Keller Williams Realty
מספר רישיון: 642845 - TX / Broker Associate / Owner ב- Babin Realty Team
כל משרד של Keller Williams® הוא בבעלות עצמאית ומופעל


The Babins are a family run real estate team with over 11 years of experience selling residential, commercial, and Farms. Danielle is a certified Luxury marketing specialist and Lawrence carries a designation as a certified negotiations expert. The Babins are known for their commitments to relationships and high value for empowering people.

הפרטים שלי
שפות English
התמחויות וייעודים Luxury, CNE,Luxury Marketing Specialist, Keller Williams Land Designation
מרכז השוק Round Rock
Lawrence Babin
Broker Associate / Owner 642845
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